•   Household Pest Management
    • are perhaps the most common household pests. Apart from being a nuisance, they can cause contamination and respiratory illness in humans they also transmit various diseases and damage property by chewing on or soiling bookbinding, fabric and other materials.
      Cockroaches commonly found in and around human habitation are:
    • Types:
    •   German Cockroach (Blattella germanica):
    • They are light brown or tan in colour with two parallel black streaks running vertically on the shield which covers the head. Adults are 12-15mm long, with females being larger than males. Unlike other cockroaches, the female German roach protects her eggs by carrying them around in an egg-case or Ootheca which protrudes m her body until the eggs are ready to hatch. Each ootheca can contain 30-48 eggs that hatch in about 2 weeks. Each female produces between 4-8 egg-cases in her lifetime. Eggs hatch into Nymphs which are about mm long. They resemble the adults and are uniformly dark, except for a light brownish area in the middle of the body. They go through 6-7 instars (stages) before becoming adults. Adults. Usually live upto 3-4 months.
    •   American Cockroach (Periplanata American):
    • They are reddish–brown in colour, with pale yellow markings above the head. These are large cockroaches and adults are 35-40mm long. American roaches are not regular house dwellers; instead, they prefer dark, moist and warm areas, especially around sewers rooms. Adults are good fliers and are often encountered flying into your home in the evenings or at night. 14-16 eggs are contained in the ootheca which are deposited by the female in a protected place. Nymphs hatch out after 50-50 days, resemble the adults but are flightless. They moult 9-13 times and are White when freshly moulted. Adults can live for 14-15 months.
    •   Brown banded Cockroach (Supella longipalpis):
    • Generally looks similar the German roach, pale brown in colour, except for the light coloured ands running horizontally across the wing base and abdomen. Adults are 13-14.5mm long, females are larger and daker than males. The female can roduce up to 14 ootheca in her lifetime and carries each for about 1-2 days. Each egg case contains about 18 eggs which hatch after about 50-75 days. Nymphs resemble the adults but are darker. They go through 1-2 instars before becoming adults. Adults. Can live up to 10 months.
    •   ANTS:
    • are close relatives of bees and wasps. They are social insects and live in colonies. They are familiar insects that are easily recognized, especially in their common wingless adult forms, known as workers. Several species of ants commonly live in lawns and ornamental plantings of trees and shrubs in and around our home, offices, and Buildings. Winged ants are frequently confused with swarming termites. However, ants and termites are not related.
      Ants feed on sugars, syrups, honey, fruit juice, fats and meat which they find in human habitation. Workers out in search of food form long trails which lead back to the nest. Ants are also attracted to sweet, sticky secretions, or honeydew { which is secreted by mealy bugs, sucking pests that can attract household plants}. They can bite with their mandibles {jaws} and certain species such as red ants inflict painful bites. Fire ants have a painful sting that can cause severe allergy. Ants can also cause contamination hazards by their presence on production floors, raw materials and finished goods store.
    •   Silverfish and Firebrats :
    • are often not seen because they are mostly active at night. They make movements, stopping at short intervals and then moving on rapidly. They prefer damp, cool and dark plan for example basements.
      They are carrot shaped, 8-12mm long, somewhat flattened, wingless and covered with scales. They have long, slender antennae and three slender appendages at the end of the body, which is why they are also called 'bristletails'. Young look similar to adults. They can live for several months without food.
      The Common Silverfish {Lepisma saccharina} has a silvery sheen, and prefers areas of high humidity such as basement, lofts, damp walls, below sink, washbasins, etc. It feeds on human food and prefers materials containing starch, such as paste, glue bookbinding, fabrics and paper products.
      Firebrats {Thermobia domestica} , as their name suggests, live and develop hot but moist places such as around furnaces, in insulation, hot water piping ducts, etc. They prefer s dark, moist environment and require a large supply of starchy foods or moulds. Firebrats are known to feed extensively on rayon. They prefer temperatures around 37°C.
  •   Bed Bugs Management
    •   Bed Bugs:
    • Bed Bug bites cause irritation and sleepless nights, They feed on human blood and have become serious pests in recent times. Bed bug infestation is picked up at cinema halls, on railway benches and sometimes even from bird in your surroundings. We provide lowodour spray treatment to beds, bedding and furniture.
  •   Termite (White Ants) Management
    •   Termites:
    • Termites are social insects with a distinctive colony structure. A typical colony consists of Reproductive {King and Queen}, Workers and Soldiers. The main function of the Queen {who can grow up to 15cm} is to lay eggs and control all activities in the colony. Workers {up to 3mm} carry out all work such as foraging, collecting food, feeding other members, grooming the Queen, nursing young ones, etc. Soldiers {up to 5mm} protect the colony from predators and have large jaws {mandibles}, while some species even have a special snout-shaped head to squirt irritating chemicals on attackers Once a colony has developed, winged adults {Alates} emerge and fly out varming to mate and start new colonies.
      Termites are silent destroyers. In fact, their name is derived from the Greek word 'termes' ning 'the end'. They play a vital role in nature as recyclers ;their main food is cellulose which abundant in wood and paper . When they come into contact with human habitation and property, they can cause severe damage. Sub-terranean termites are responsible for most of this damage which runs into crores of rupees.
      Once a food source is detected, subterranean termite workers construct mud tubes to it and from then on, the march is relentless. They stop at nothing and a gap of just 0.5mm is sufficient for them to gain entry. Once inside the building they can cause severe damage to all cellulose material like wood, cotton, paper, textiles etc. In their search for food, they can even damage non-cellulose materials such as cable coverings, neoprene, poly-viny chloride {PVC}, etc.
      Some sure sings of subterranean termite infestation are swarming or discarded wings, mud tubes on walls or wood {yellowish powder or frass falling from small holes is not a sign of termite infestation- this is typical of a Powder post beetle infestation}. However, the absence of any visible sings does not necessarily mean that there is no infestation. Damage is mostly internal- the inner surface is hollowed out while the outer surface remains intact.
      This is why termite infestations are not noticed until it is too late. Therefore, the longer you delay, the more extensive and expensive the damage will be. When it comes to termites, Prevention Always better than Cure. Termiseal Service is designed to protect your homes and property from subterranean termite attack. It is always advisable to get treatment done at the construction stage itself; however, treatment can also be carried out in already constructed buildings.
      Some conditions that favour termite infestations:
        moist, Warm soil containing food material such as decayed wood ,paper, etc
        wooden members, root stumps, stakes etc directly in contact with soil under and
      around the building
        inadequate and improper drainage, ventilation and lighting
        additional soil filling for terrace gardens, flower beds, etc
  •   Rodent Management
    • RODENTS:
    • Rats and mice make themselves comfortable in human surroundings, finding food and shelter in our homes. They breed rapidly and contaminate food, damage clothes and other materials. They spread diseases such as plague, leptospirosis, murine typhus and rat bite fever.
    •   House Mouse (Mus musculus):
    • The smallest of the rats, commonly found in homes. Brown to grey in colour, 6-9cms long with 7-10cm long tail, large ears and relatively small eyes. They have a characteristic musky odour that identifies their presence. They prefer cereal grains, but will eat many kinds of food. They can jump more than 1 foot onto a flat surface and squeeze through openings just 6.4mm in diameter.
    •   House /Roof/ Black Rat (Rattus rattus) :
    • The common rat found in our homes, larger than the house mouse. Dark brown to black in colour, 16-20cms long with 19-25cms long tail and large ears. They are usually active at night and very cautious, shying away from new objects and changes. They will eat practically anything but prefer fruits, vegetables and cereals. They tend to follow the same route between nests and food/water sources, leaving characteristic rub or 'swing' marks on vertical surfaces.
    •   Norway/Brown/Sewer Rat (Rattus norvegicus):
    • The rat usually found near sea ports, brown in our,18-20cms long with 15-18cms long tail. It is larger than the House Rat and is an excellent swimmer, thriving in sewers and drainage systems beneath cities. In India, it is limited ea ports/large cities due to the presence of Indian Mole-Rat/ Bandicoot Rat.
    •   Indian Mole-Rat/Lesser Bandicoot Rat(Bandicota bengalensis) :
    • A smaller version {15-23cms long} of the Indian Bandicoot Rat, with a relatively larger tail{13-18cm long}, rounded ears and short, broad muzzle. Their burrows have a characteristic pile of earth around the entrance {hence the name} and the burrow system is extensive, consisting of numerous chambers for sleeping, storing etc, galleries and exit holes for emergencies. They have a habit of erecting long hairs on their back when threatened or excited.
    •   Bandicoot Rat ( Bandicota indica) :
    • The Largest and most aggressive commensal rat in India, in India, dark grayish- brown, 30-40cms long with equally long tail, weighing as much as 1.4kg Usually occupies the outskirts of human dwellings such as compounds and gardens and is commonly found near garbage bins. Its characteristic large burrows cause great damage to grounds and flooring as it can also tunnel through brick and masonry . A non-fussy eater, it is also a serious pest in poultry.
      Rats are extremely intelligent, agile & adaptable mammals and thrive in almost all kinds of habitat. They are expert acrobats and swimmers and can easily climb through open drainage pipes and rough surfaces of walls and tree branches near buildings. Their hard, sharp incisors are strong enough to gnaw through wood, chipboard, plastic and even lead pipes. ats are prolific breeders; the young attain sexual maturity within 12 weeks and in ideal conditions, a single pair can tiply rapidly to 800 in a year. Their droppings, urine and hair contaminate food grains and also pose a serious health hreat. Rats are carriers of more than 40 dreaded disease-causing organisms such as plague, leptospirosis, onellosis, murine typhus, leishmaniasis and rat-bite fever.
      Some conditions that favour rat infestations:
        Food and waste material lying around, improper hygiene
        Gaps under doors, improperly closing doors and windows
        Wooden crates, scrap materials etc lying around provides perfect cover
       Tall vegetation, drainage pipes without protective 'cones' can provide access to
      higher floors
  •   Wood Borers
    •   Wood Borers:
    • Is a specialised service to combat woodborer infestation . The chemcal is injected into the exit holes to provide effective treatment. The best way to combat wood borers however, is through the preventive treatment of plywood before applying varnish / paint or any other finish
  •   Mosquito Management
    •   Mosquito Management:
    • Mosquito is the most dangerous Pestiferous insect which is spread disease of malaria, dengue, chikun gunya & filarasis. We carry out our treatment to residential complex & commercial section. We use larvicidal oil/insecticide in water stagnant spot for larva mosquito & spray does inside infestation area for adult mosquito.
    •   Eco Mosquito Management :
    • Well known insect to aware of everyone in our day to day life. It is very difficult to get eradicate and rid of them.
      Every mosquito carry diseases like.
      There are Aedes Mosquito(Day Biter )
      (Dengue, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya)
      Culex Mosquito (Night Biter)
      (Filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis)
      Anopheles Mosquito (Night Biter)
      ( Malaria)
  •   Fly Management
    •   Fly Management:
    • Mostly flies infestation found at food handling & preparation section. Flies not only contaminate the food but also causing many diseases. We carry out spray method treatment to their outside breeding spots& suggest installing insect light traps inside of premises.
    •   Eco Fly Management : (EFM)
    • Fly's are commonly seen in our surroundings. Common House Fly, Drain Fly Flesh fly, Fruit Fly, Blow Fly (Green & Blue Bottle). Fly's are carrier of diseases causing organism.
  •   Lizards Management
    •   Lizards Management:
    • Lizards are typically dry-land animal, loving the sun and its heat. They are very common reptiles and may be seen in the towns as well as in the country. They are four-legged animals and are capable of very active movement. The ordinary wall lizards or geckos are equipped with vacuum-cupped toes, which enable them to chase insects along vertical walls and ceilings of rooms. A very interesting protective features, possessed by some of these lizards, is the power to break off their tail automatically.
  •   Eco Bird Solution (pigeons & Sparrow)
    •   Eco Bird Solution (pigeons & Sparrow):
    • Nowadays pest bird problems remain common in residential building, Flats, Warehouse, Hotels, Hospitals, Commercial buildings, heritage structure, Food handling establishment, pharma company.
      Why Pigeon control is important?
        Pigeons have nuisance, chest & lung disease.
        For food safety requirement.
        Dead birds & nests attract flies, ants, fleas.
        Bad smell & Food poisoning.
        Product safety
        To take care of children & elderly people
      Call us to proper solution & BIRD NET SYSTEM.